Debbie’s ‘Sporty Fishing’ Game

This week’s theme here at Kid’s Club is ‘sport’ and Debbie from Hillingdon Libraries has come up with an fantastic fishing game you can create and play at home with your children.

Take your fishing rod and see which sporty piece you can catch. Will it be the rugby ball, cricket bat, shuttlecock or tennis racquet?

You will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Paint, felt tip pens, crayons or colouring pencils
  • Paper clips
  • String
  • Blunted wooden skewer or similar
  • Beads (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Glue

1) Cut out the shapes shown below. The rugby ball is the largest and is about 15 cm long. The football is about 9 cm. Make a small slit in the centre of each shape. Cut a copy of each shape about 5 mm bigger all round. 


2) Bend a paperclip as shown. An adult should help with this. You will need 8 altogether.


3) On the underside of each piece, push one of the bent paperclips through the slit. Glue the larger sporting piece to the underside of the shape.


4) Decorate your sporting pieces. I used some squared paper to make the ‘strings’ for the tennis racquet, but if you don’t have any, just draw the strings on with a pen. 


5) To make the fishing hook: Open up a paper clip as shown. An adult should help here as the ends are sharp.  


6) Now an adult can use some pliers to squash the paperclip as shown and then bend it to form a hook and cut the longer end off with pliers.

7) Cut a piece of string about 2-3 cm longer than your wooden skewer. My skewer was just over 30 cm. Attach your hook to the string. Cover the join with pony beads if you have them. If not, use a piece of drinking straw or paper glued over the join. Attach the other end of the string to one end of your skewer. Again, if you have beads use them to cover the join. I also used some to make the other end of the skewer look nice. Your sporty fishing game is now ready to enjoy.

Warning: due to the small parts use caution with this craft if there are pre school children in your household.


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